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FEUBOND SR 585 – Insulation Adhesive

FEUBOND SR 585 – Insulation Adhesive

FEUBOND SR 585 is a pale-yellow colored synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive. This product is designed to provide long open time, excellent tack, and light color. It is recommended for bonding various substrates like glass wool, Rockwool, Nitrile Rubber, XLPE, and EPDM insulation on Airconditioning Ducts & Pipes.  


    • Brushable 
    • Excellent tack and tack retention time Long open time 
    • Low color 
    • No harmful benzene Single side application 


    • Duct Insulation 
    • Pipe Insulation 
    • Underdeck Insulation 

Coverage area: 6-8 sqm/Liter 

Technical Specification: 



Test Method 





Pale- Yellow, viscous liquid 

Density at 30°C 




Viscosity at 30°C 

c Ps 

ASTM D 2196 

800 m.Pa-s 

Tack Retention Time 



Max 12 

 Tack retention time (open time) is generally measured after evaporation of solvent once the adhesive is applied to a thin film. It may vary depending upon ambient temperature and humid conditions. 

PROCESS OF APPLICATION: Surface preparation: Ensure that substrates to be bonded are clean, dry, and free from oil, grease, and foreign particles such as dust and rust. 

APPLICATION METHOD: Stir the adhesive well and make it homogeneous before use. Apply adhesive uniformly in a thin layer on a single side of the substrates to be bonded with a brush, spatula, or any suitable tool. Allow evaporation of solvents from the adhesive layer to develop tack. The evaporation of solvent may take 5 minutes to 10 minutes, which depends upon ambient temperature and humidity. In case of an absorbing substrate, apply a second coat and allow drying for 5minutea to 10 minutes. Assemble both substrates with uniform contact pressure to achieve intimate contact without air pockets. The optimum bond strength is achieved after 24 hours. 

PACKAGING: FEUBOND SR 585 is available in 5 LTR, and 25 LTR MS drums. Another packing may be considered on request. 

STORAGE AND HANDLING: FEUBOND SR 585 should be stored in a cool and dry place away from moisture, heat, and direct sunlight. It contains highly volatile solvents, which will release during the application, processing, and use. These volatile solvents are highly flammable; hence adhesive must not meet heat, spark, and necked flame. This product has a shelf-life of 1 year if stored in its original container between 2°C and 40°C away from humidity and excessive heat. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for detailed instructions on storage and handling. 

SAFETY: Wear personal protective equipment (PPE). Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. In case of direct contact and irritation, it should be washed off immediately with soap and warm water. Proper ventilation must be provided to the shop floor where adhesive is used. Avoid breathing vapors, mist, or gas. Please refer to the SDS for detailed safety instructions. 

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